SOLD OUT show at THE TURNING POINT. I had no idea so many friends would come out on a Wednesday night in the Winter to share in this CD release event. I was so energized and humbled to be able to perform my songs with the caliber of players that joined me. To have my son accompany us for the last song of the night was something special, and I think he signed more CD's than I did:) I can't believe how lucky I am to do what I love to do and create nights like last night. The take away is this...if you love what you do and believe in your art...they will come! Al did such an amazing job as musical director and had to coordinate so much. This night was as much for him as anyone. As always...the joy I have in sharing the music I've written with Jimmy and now Eryn and AL is immeasurable. My friend and violinist Laura Oatts performance was outstanding and Luther Rix playing on two tunes was an incredible honor.